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Community Emergency Response Teams

The CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety and doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people.  It is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens will initially be on their own, and their actions can make a difference.

In times of non-emergency situations, Lee County CERT members sharpen their skills through continuing education and training.  Many of these classes are hosted free of charge to CERT members and their families.  Additionally CERT members assist the EMA through their support of Weather Radio Programming Days, Touch-A-Truck, or other Preparedness Day events.  

During disaster situations, CERT members are authorized to deploy in one of two ways: 1) If the event happens to them (ie they are directly and immediately impacted), or 2) If the EMA activates the CERT teams to support first responders in their ongoing response and recovery efforts.

CERT classes are held multiple times throughout the year, and in different parts of the county.  Classes are 24 hours long, and incorporate traditional classroom-based presentations, as well as hands on activities and exercises.  CERT members must be 18 years old, and there is no upper cap on age, however, parents/guardians are encouraged to bring their children with them to class for the education to be better prepared for an emergency.  CERT members must be in good standing with the community, and will undergo a background check.  To find out more about the Lee County CERT program, including upcoming classes or how to schedule a class at your school, place of worship, business or civic organization, contact Steven Holden via email or phone 334-749-8161.
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